Friday, June 27, 2008

Big Changes?

Well I just typed a page and then it wasn't posted so hopefully I have time to type it again and get everything in. We do not have permanent orders right now but are trying to get a PCS for Virginia because as of now it has MIke going there alone TDY and me going to Texas alone with four kids for the next 8 months so hopefull we can get this changed. We are hoping for some money to help with the move and for a PCS to Colorado instead of Texas - we'll see. Mike has been home for a week doing recruiting here in Spokane.
Last week Maverick and Megan went to Georgia to watch dad graduate and be commisioned an officer. We stayed in a cabin on the Uchee creek. It was a good experience and we met a great LDS family from Missouri. We had great weather while we were there. Megan and MIke had a good time at the ball and enjoyed watching the jumpers and hearing the chorus of bull frogs and bugs at night. While they were in Georgia the other three mutts were in Whyoming with grandma and grandpa Farley. They had a blast there. They went to the MOON!!!! built a fort and playground, went to McDonald's, swimming 3 times, to the park, to Indiana Jones, had a tea party, read lots of books and pretty much partied the whole time. Rhett did clean up some sticks for money of course. They have talked about their times there every day since.
On the 21st we got to see Rhett, Madeline and Aurora again, I was so excited so I cannot imagine being Mike and instead of a week being months. While family was together and we could get a large portion of both of our families together we blessed Maverick. We did the blessing at Jan and Rogers in Sandy and had everything very casual. We went to Chucky Cheese after to celebrate Brenton's 9th birthday. Then we headed up to Logan to go to the Rodeo.
MIke has been with us a week and we have kept busy playing and working. Mike has worked on the deck, sprinkling system, got the suburban registered and new wheels, tires and running board on. While I've packed and serched for appartments. WE've played a lot also. Madeline and Rhett had there last T-ball game last night and were so glad that dad was there. We then all went to a pool/pizza party with 7 other families. We also went to the park with 8 ladies and their kids from the ward and had a picnic. We have also been playing lots of games together and bought Spiderwic Cronicles. Sherri had her baby 71/2 weeks early and we are all very thankful that he and mom are doing so well. Dylan weighs 6 lbs 1 oz and is breathing at 70%. Donnell went to the emergancy room in pain and had to have surgery- her gaulblatter removed.
Madeline has enjoyed her first real week out of school. She wants to help a lot with Maverick and is making books and lots of art projects. Rhett learned how to count by 5's this last week and we are teaching him how to read, he knows at least 16 words. many people have gotten a kick out of Aurora lately. When we've been in public places she will greet everyone and then announce that her name is Aurora. She will turn 3 next week and she wants a princess barbie nutcracker cake. Madeline has been coloring and designing clothes for a paper doll and Aurora saw these, they also have different hair do's but there isn't a face on them. She brought them to me quite up set and said "MOM, there head is broken!" She has had sore legs a lot lately because she will dance for hours on her toes;"


Kate said...

wow. sounds like a very eventful time. I hope it all works out the way you want so that you see Mike more. I actually have 5 bros, Garrett is the one you couldnt remember. I really would like to keep in touch better. What is your email address? Best of luck with everything. Your kids are darling!

Unknown said...

I hope you don't have to be apart for very long, that sounds tough. But you are amazing. Nice picture of you and Mike.

princess jen said...

We totally would have come to the baby blessing!!!!

~S. said...

Hey Megan! We finally have our own blog up and running. Visit us at

Also, send me email for the Tolman family and I will send them the link too.

Best of Luck!
